MPARTICLE j. Starship Chart. ==============N------------------------------------------------------------------------------0Starship Ep. Class Reg. NotesN------------------------------------------------------------------------------IAdelphi 068 Ambassador NCC-26849 Capt Darson killed at GhorusdaLAgamemnon 152 Excelsior NCC-27506 Assisting Enterprise against BorgJAhwahnee 075 Cheyanne NCC-71620 Damaged by the Borg at Wolf 359LAjax 006 Apollo NCC-11574 Kosinski worked on ship's enginesMAkagi 101 Rigel NCC-62158 In Picard's Armada at Neutral ZoneFAmbassador --- Ambassador NCC-10521 Class ship for Enterprise-C6Apollo --- Apollo NCC-6570 Class Ship.DAries 040 Renaissance NCC-45167 Riker was offered commandNBerlin 014 Excelsior NCC-14232 Stationed near Romulan Neutral ZoneLBonestell 075 Oberth NCC-31600 Destroyed by the Borg at Wolf 359HBozeman 118 Sojus NCC-1941 Was caught in causality loop.NBradbury 072 Bradbury NX-72307 Was to transport Wes to the AcademyCBrattain 091 Miranda NCC-21166 Disabled by Tyken's RiftLBuran 075 Challenger NCC-57580 Destroyed by the Borg at Wolf 359LCharleston 026 Excelsior NCC-42285 Ferried 20th Cent. Surv. to EarthLChekov 075 Springfield NCC-57302 Destroyed by the Borg at Wolf 3596Cheyanne --- Cheyanne NCC-71600 Class Ship.>Cochrane 095 Oberth NCC-59318 Transported AdmiralKConstantinople 032 Istanbul NCC-34852 Transporter.Suffered hull breachMConstellation 009 Constellation NCC-1974 (NX-1974) Class ship for StargazerKConstitution --- Constitution NCC-1700 Class Ship. In the Fleet Museum.LCrazy Horse 152 Excelsior NCC-66719 Assisting Enterprise against BorgHDrake 021 Wambundu NCC-20381 Presumably destroyed at MinosMEndeavour 101 Nebula NCC-71805 In Picard's Armada at Neutral ZoneLEnterprise 130 Constitution NCC-1701 Destroyed by Admiral James T.KirkGEnterprise mov Constitution NCC-1701A Fate unknown. 2nd EnterpriseMEnterprise --- Excelsior NCC-1701B Presumed destroyed. 3rd EnterpriseMEnterprise 063 Ambassador NCC-1701C Destroyed by Romulans. 4th Enterp.LEnterprise all Galaxy NCC-1701D Starfleet's flagship. 5th Enterp.KEnterprise fut Nova NCC-1701E The Enterprise of the Future. #6JExcalibur 101 Ambassador NCC-26517 Riker commanded this in Armada.GExcelsior mov Excelsior NCC-2000 Class Ship. In Fleet Museum.IFearless 006 Excelsior NCC-14598 Kozinski's previous assignmentLFirebrand 075 Freedom NCC-68723 Destroyed by the Borg at Wolf 359EGalaxy --- Galaxy NCC-70637 Class Ship. Orig. NX-70637DGangees DS9 Runabout NCC-72454 Deep Space Nine Runabout.IGettysberg 016 Constellation NCC-3890 Admiral Jameson's last commandMGoddard 057 Korolev NCC-59621 Had rendezvous scheduled postponedBGorkon 152 Excelsior NCC-65460 Admiral Necheyevs Ship.MGrissom 070 Oberth NCC-59314 Was stationed near the Sigma EraniHHathaway 047 Constellation NCC-2593 Derelict. Used in excercises.JHera 155 Hera NCC-61008 Destroyed. Geordi's mum killed.MHermes 101 Antares NCC-10376 In Picard's Armada at Neutral Zone?Hokulea --- Hokulea NCC-9036 Derelict Class Ship.FHood 001 Excelsior NCC-42296 Riker's previous assigment.CHoratio 025 Ambassador NCC-10532 Destroyed at Dytallix B.MHornet 101 Renaissance NCC-45231 In Picard's Armada at Neutral ZoneGIntrepid 065 Excelsior NCC-38907 Ship that rescued Baby Worf.MJenolan 130 Sydney NCC-2013 Destroyed by Doors of Dyson Sphere@Kairo 136 Excelsior NCC-43165 Capt. Jellico's Ship.LKyushu 075 New Orleans NCC-65491 Destroyed by the Borg at Wolf 359LLalo 024 Mediterranean NCC-43837 Destroyed by Borg at Zeta Alpha 2KLantree 033 Miranda NCC-1837 Destroyed after Crew was killed.LMelbourne DS9 Excelsior NCC-62043 Destroyed by the Borg at Wolf 359LMerrimac 071 Nebula NCC-61827 Transported Sarek back to Vulcan.IMilan 110 - NDT-50863 Transported Alexander Rozhenko@Miranda --- Miranda NCC-16601 Derelict. Class Ship.FMonitor 058 Nebula NCC-61826 Responded to Romulan threat5Nebula --- Nebula NCC-45067 Class Ship?New Orleans --- New Orleans NCC-63100 Class Ship. Frigate.JNiagara --- Niagara NCC-28400 Derelict Class Ship. (NX-28400)MNova --- Nova NX-90000 Top Secret Experimental Class ShipKOberth --- Oberth NCC-8601 Class Ship. Small science vesselLOden 014 Apollo NGL-12535 Ramsey's old ship (non-Starfleet)MOrinoco DS9 Runabout NCC-72905 Replaced the Yangtzee Kiang on DS9HPhoenix 086 Nebula NCC-65420 Used in attack on CardassiansMPotemkin 047 Excelsior NCC-8253 Riker once served aboard this shipLPrinceton 075 Niagara NCC-59804 Destroyed by the Borg at Wolf 359HProtovision fut Nova NCC-15096 First Officer: Wesley CrusherNRaman 155 Oberth NCC-16543 Destroyed. Crew killed by Lifeform.LRenegade 025 New Orleans NCC-63102 Frigate. Met Picard at Dytallix BMRepulse 027 Excelsior NCC-2544 Pulaski's assigment before Enterp.DRio Grande DS9 Runabout NCC-72452 Deep Space Nine Runabout.ISaratoga ST4 Miranda NCC-1867 Destroyed by alien space probe?Sojus --- Sojus NCC-1306 Derelict Class Ship.FStargazer 009 Constellation NCC-2893 Derelict. Picard's old shipISutherland 101 Nebula NCC-72015 Data commanded this in Armada.LThomas Paine 025 New Orleans NCC-65530 Frigate. Met Picard at Dytallix BMTian Nan Men 101 Miranda NCC-21382 In Picard's Armada at Neutral ZoneLTolstoy 075 Rigel NCC-62095 Destroyed by the Borg at Wolf 359?Trieste 015 Yosemite NCC-37124 Based at Starbase 74NTripoli 013 Hokulea NCC-19386 Derelict. Ship that discovered DataMTsilokovski 003 Oberth NCC-59311 Destroyed.Victim of Psi 2000 virusLVictory 029 Constellation NCC-9754 Capt. Zimbata is Geordi's friend.@Wellington 015 Niagara NCC-28473 Based at Starbase 74.GYamato 037 Galaxy NCC-71807 Destroyed by computer virus.DYangtzee Kiang DS9 Runabout NCC-72453 Deep Space Nine Runabout.NYosemite 128 Oberth NCC-37100 Class Ship. Lost in Plasma StreamerIZhukov 069 Ambassador NCC-62136 Barclay's previous assignment.N------------------------------------------------------------------------------DNormale Raumschiffe der Foederation werden immer mit NCC bezeichnet,